Saturday, February 28, 2009

A long Due Christmas Treat.
It’s been a year plus since Khaz and I last met... He treats me like a sister. And he did surprised me by giving me a real rose...I didn’t expect that. We head to Vivo, had lunch, watched movie and then head to rooftop to chill. I really enjoyed myself. Minus... having to seat right in front of the theatre coz my neck hurts...damn uncomfortable throughout the movie. And being able to know the real him was surprising enough.

I’m grateful to have him as my friend. He’s the only guy who’s actually given me a rose. Damn sweet uh. And he said this on Vday, “v day is a day for gals to feel as if they're in cloud nine...”I still remember that. He who prefers Chinese girls to Malay girls. And he’s probably the 2nd guy whom I’ve ever that gentleman. It’s hard to find a guy who’s that sweet. Very rare. Most only know how to sweet talk their way through.

Any girl who has you as her bf is so lucky. I’m sure one day you’ll find the right girl who actually deserves you. Patience pays...
♥ disguised at { 1:59 AM }

Friday, February 27, 2009

I refused to bring an umbrella even though the rain was pouring heavily when I left my house and I got partially drenched. Serve me right. It was a blardy long and cold journey to Pasir Ris and we had to stand throughout our journey.

The BBQ was fun! I ate A LOT. That’s probably my first ever BBQ that I ate that much. And they say we could easily gain 2-3kg yesterday itself. And yesterday, was my FIRST time in my whole entire life (so far)..I ate that much of prawns. Countless. Damn. Pat has a great potential to open up chilli prawns store (finger licking good).. and not forgetting Fiona and Mic..They were good at marinating the chicken. (unlike Carol... hopeless... hahahaha!! Jk... ) There were Otahs, Satays and potatoes too...

Carol was being the joker for the day...(You know I know*winks*) And that Rodney was irritating me... that I had to chase him trice but it’s too bad... I couldn’t catch him. Too fast. Damn Tiring uh... LOL.

I had a great time with them all...Jasmine, Pat, Fiona, Mic and her bf, Gladys, Carol, Priya, Steph, Eva, Hafiz, Beth and Rodney.

And we wasted 1/2 hour.. thinking that the bus would come... We only realised it when the group of guys walked off the bus stop and Hafiz who is smart enough to read the board and laughed out loud when he realised that the bus service had already ended. And we walked to Pasir Ris station.

The pictures we took...

And that’s a wrap...

I’m going to miss them all....

♥ disguised at { 2:04 AM }

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The whole idea of being an old maid...
Mom was telling me about this wedding event she went to...The guy got married at the age of 40(my mom’s age)... and the wife is 36...

Me: Bu kalau kakak jadi andartu boleh tak?
(Mom, if I become an old maid can or not?)
Mom: Kalau nak jadi andartu... kakak tak de bf2 semue...
(if you want to be one... you will not have bf all....)
Me: Ape pulak... kakak kn hot...boleh pe... ade bf... tapi tak ya kahwin2 segala..
(what... i’m hot... can what... got bf but no need to get married)
Mom: kalau hot... tk leyh jadi andartu punye... kakak gy kahwin lagi bagos... gi ikot suami... lagi senang ibu...
(since you’re hot.. you’ll never be an old’s best if you get married..then go follow your husband...I’ll be more than happy. )

Hahahaha... I couldn’t even see myself getting married in years to come...can you?
♥ disguised at { 10:22 PM }

Through Thick and Thins...
We persevered...
We stayed together as classmates...
The wonderful memories I’ll treasure...
I’m going to miss these people...
2 yrs of friendship...
Still going strong...
~click on the pics to enlarge~

YR 1

YR 2



♥ disguised at { 5:13 PM }

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

& finally
It’s time to let loose.. and enjoy the hols...

I had a great time with you. With the ‘endless’ poking and pinching... hehz. Thank you for everything. The movie and dinner...And also thanks to my two dearest friends... Priya and Hafiz.. who ‘forced’ me.

The night chats that I look forward to at the end of each day... You never fail to make my day. And the inside joke... ‘’got or not??’’ and also ‘u know I know’ stuffs...And it’s a pleasure that we're friends.

When the future involves you...
It’s interesting to be able to hear the future plans of others. Be it about their relationship, education, work or anything. It is impressive if they were able to hold onto their plans and make it happen. The sacrifices they have to go through, the objections they have to listen to and the advice they have to heed...
it’s mind-boggling.

How I wished I’m able to pen down all my future plans or at least to even bother to have some thoughts about it. It’s a pity I’ve done almost nothing about my future. I don’t even know what I want in life. Like for example... where I am going to go after I graduate, what career I would want to have, let alone to even think about many things to think about...and plan...

And I know I rely too much on just ‘go with the flow’ motto of mine. It’s pretty laid back... Ouh wells...

Enjoy life while you still can...

♥ disguised at { 11:50 PM }

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Last Leap
Biomedical Electronics

How well did I do for the other papers???
I shall just wait for the results to be released.
I dare not anticipate.

♥ disguised at { 8:39 PM }

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Chocolate Oracle Says You're Mellow

You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied.

You don't like anything too intense and dramatic.

Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past.

You are down to earth and lovable.

A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.

In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love to be in love. You crave romance, whether you're single or not.

You feel lost when you don't feel passion... you need someone to adore.

♥ disguised at { 1:40 AM }

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Smile even though it hurts deep down
I thought I’m able to digest whatever they’ve said. I thought I’m capable of accepting what was being said. I thought I’m strong enough to absorb everything that they say. When the truth is I can’t. I tried to push it away, erasing all those negative thoughts. When the fact is, all those are actually piercing through my soul. & I couldn’t seem to be able to counter it back. What I could afford to do is to laugh and smile along....

Silently.... enduring it all
Even though it is gradually eating me up....


It is amazing when you talk good of them, think highly of them when you barely know the real person. The next thing you know.... they don’t deserve ANY of it. Maybe I spoke and judged too soon. If only I could take back my words.....

Regrets that I have

♥ disguised at { 11:24 PM }

Monday, February 16, 2009

Will be on Hiatus.
Good Luck for your exams LOVES!!
Happy mugging your ass off
& hopefully it’ll be worth it.
Endurance will pay off.
Till I blog again...

Ace it.

♥ disguised at { 12:53 AM }

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Flower and Chocz
To those who celebrates..
A day not only about or for couples....
But also friendship...

A day to show your
Love for others..
& Letting them know
How much they mean to you...
& How much you love them

♥ disguised at { 11:14 PM }

Friday, February 13, 2009

& It’ll stay with me till eternity.
Just as I thought my friends would just leave the ‘thing’ incident alone, I was wrong. I was secretly hoping that they would forget about it. And this Teddy kept reminding me about this embarrassing incident. It was my fault for saying that sentence out loud during lab and made Mr Lim’s whole face turn red when they all laughed, realising that the sentence also meant something else. I guess... they won’t leave me alone.... hahaha...
since when have they actually not bully me??


& they will all keep teasing me and shooting me.
Goodness. Give me a break can??

♥ disguised at { 10:30 PM }

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rodney and Teddy were so evil. Both of them teased me throughout larh... aiyo. I laughed till tears filled my eyes. And my flam clogged up my throat coz I laughed too much. All because of me being late and they included math in my story with all the hypotheses, theories and laws they came up with. Priya and Hafiz joined in the fun. Priya didn’t even take my side despite being my best friend while they happily and jokingly insult me. I swear it was goddamn funny. But they made my day... in fact... our day. The friends that I have and I’ll still love them even though they were so mean.

Treasured Friendship

♥ disguised at { 11:18 PM }

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I feel so different and weird today.
I feel as if I’m not my usual self.
Suddenly random people were
Talking to me
Looking at me
Calling my name
I wonder if there’s something I didn’t know of that these people weren’t telling...
Or am I thinking too much?

Fiona, Carol and Priya were teasing me throughout the day...
THANK YOU people!!
I feel that today’s jog so short. I think I need to go for a longer route...


I’ve wasted my day away...

♥ disguised at { 11:59 PM }

If you were to dream of someone everyday....without fail...
Does that mean anything?? Or lead to anything??
I wonder...
Dream stalker I am...
Prolly I’m obsessed with that person huh??

Anyways...tagged by hidayah... n here are my ans... =))

1. Are you single - yes
2. Are you happy – yes... VERY.
3. Are you bored – nope
4. Are you fair - nope
5. Are you Italian -nope
6. Are you intelligent – no comments
7. Are you honest – It depends on the situation
8. Are you nice – sometimes not... hehz
9. Are you Irish - nope
10. Are you Asian - yes

1. Full Name – Noorashimah Bte Sabahni
2. Nicknames – misha, shima, shimz, shim....& thrz A LOT more... weird ones...
3. Birth place - NUH
4. Hair color – in between black n dark brown??
5. Natural hair style – straight, a lil wavy I think...
6. Eye Color – erm... black I think..
7. Birthday – 23 MAY 1990
(number 8 is missing.)
9. Favorite color – Yellow, Pink, Lime Green, Black....
10. One place you'd like to visit – I’ve no idea..

1. Have you ever been in love -yes
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Not sure...
3. Do you currently have a crush? - yes
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart – not sure...have i think...
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - yes
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them – yes... secretive i am.
8. Are you afraid of commitment – maybe?
9. Who was the last person you hugged – I forgot
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? – I forgot

1. Love or lust - Love
2. Hard liquor or beer - neither
3. Cats or dogs - cats
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - a few best friends
5. Creamy or Crunchy - creamy
6. Pencil or Pen - pen
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – romantic night in
8. Money or Happiness – both can not???
9. Night or day - night
10. IM or phone – IM

1. Been caught sneaking out – nope.
2. Seen a polar bear - yes
3. Done something you regret - yes
4. Bungee jumped - nope
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - yes
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker –which means?
7. Been caught naked -nope
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - never!! lick what i've spit??? NO WAY....
9. Cried because you lost a pet - yes
10. Wanted to disappear – yes... at times...

1. Smile or eyes - smile
2. Light or dark hair – dark
3. Hugs or kisses – both!!
4. Shorter or taller - taller
5. Intelligence or attraction - both
6. Topman or Zara – it doesn’t matter
7. Funny or serious - funny
8. Older or Younger - older
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad – Sweet!! Haha...

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – yes... love it
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - yes
3. Ever tried walking on your hands – nope
4. Ever been to a rock concert - nope
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - nope
6. Ever been on a dance team - yes
7. Ever been on a sports team - yes
8. Ever been in a drama play/production – yes...
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - nope
10. Ever been in a rap video? - nope

1. Last phone call you made - Priya
2. Last person you kissed – my mom
3. Last person you hung out with – my classmates... who else??
4. Last time you worked – last 2 years
5. Last person you talked to - Priya
6. Last person you IM'd - Saiful
7. Last person you texted - Priya
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with –
9. Last person/thing you missed – Romero!! hahaha...
10. Last website visited – my blog

1. Whoever
2. Who
3. Has
4. Freetime
5. And
6. Would
7. Love
8. To
9. Do
10. This


True love is not loving a perfect person but loving an imperfect person perfectly

♥ disguised at { 1:26 AM }

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So much angst
All fumed up to the brim
A spacious and open area is all I need
And I’ll scream my lungs out
Just to calm myself down
If not I’ll explode
And then break down.

♥ disguised at { 11:14 PM }

Caught Red-Handed
No matter
How deep you dive
How far you run
How high you climb
Sooner or later
You’ll fall into your own trap

That is when
The mystery is unravelled
Fixing the puzzle
Filling up the missing pieces
And the truth is right before your very own eyes.

Masquerade your way through
Mask everything off
Fake for all I care
Pretend as if it wasn’t you
Act as if nothing happens

But when the truth is revealed
You’ve got nowhere to run
No place to hide
No one to approach
And you’ll be all by yourself.

Life isn’t as simple
Humans aren’t predictable
Things is never crystal clear
Everything is questionable.

HATE is what I see in you

♥ disguised at { 9:06 AM }

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Put on a great mask, masquerade your way though, deceiving everyone.
Well done. You’ve succeed. Best actress award is what you need.
I know you’ll read this.
Did you feel the sting?
I’m so sorry....

Through the words you used on us, we know you were someone extremely close to us. I thought you were a great friend. Innocence was what we see in you. You mean it’s all just a false pretence? It NEVER came across to me that you will be the culprit. It may be our wild assumption. But everything is pointing to you. And worse still, it all makes sense. I’m trying very hard to swallow that fact, the fact that you’re behind all this.

But why? I just don’t understand. What are you trying to get from all these? Does by doing so ease you? Does that satisfy you? By insulting YOUR OWN friends?? Your own classmates?? We’ve gone through so much together and this is how you repay us? How long have we been friends?? 2 years. 2 fucking years and you just had to spoil it? Just what the fuck were you thinking? Are you out of your mind? Are you mentally ill?? Are you having split personality that you weren’t telling? What is fucking wrong with you?

Yes we may have disagreements at times. We’re all humans. Misunderstandings occur at times. Every relationship you build with anyone ain’t crystal clear. Everyone’s putting up an act. Everyone is putting on their masks. But why must you go to that extent? Go to that extent of hurting us?

Whatever you said may be true...but you’ve no right to be a fucking bitch to us all. I’m pissed off. I’m very much pissed off by the ridiculous behaviour of yours. I thought you were among the great friends that I have. I’m disappointed that you have the heart to do all this. It’s a pity that it’s all a false pretence, just an act to deceive us all and betraying us.

How much could you trust a person?
How much could you share with a person?
How much could you blurt out to a person?


I guess...
Not much.

♥ disguised at { 10:55 PM }

Friday, February 6, 2009

I was standing when I suddenly coughed and found myself shivering while coughing non-stop in the train and I felt the strain at the abdomen area... There is this aunty who came up to me and passed me tissue papers. She’s so sweet and thoughtful... Before she alighted at Redhill, she asked me if I’m alright... and she advised me to drink more hot water... If only there's more of her kind...

There was this very loving couple who stood opposite me... I’m not sure if envy is the right word to describe what I was feeling...

Wouldn’t it feel great if a person who loves you and whom you love held you so close to him throughout the journey back home? Who kisses you without feeling ashamed in the public eye...Who hugs you...? Who whispers love in your ears... Who looks right into your eyes while talking...? Who looks nowhere else but you...? I’m deprived of those things.

Staying single isn’t that bad....but life would be better when you’re in a relationship... at least you’re aware there is someone who loves you...someone who will stay by your side...someone who will be there when you need him...someone who shows a lot of care and love...

But where do you find a person who actually loves you like you do...?
Who loves you unconditionally??
Is there any??

Craving for you
Those gestures...
The little things that you say...
The concern that you show...
It may seem insignificant to you or the others...
But to me...
It meant a whole world...

♥ disguised at { 1:27 AM }

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What ifs of life
It became a problem if it’s open ended
Anything can happen
Get lucky
And you’ll get what you want...

♥ disguised at { 12:41 AM }

the unique one


Living life to the fullest
Is when you can go with the flow
Knowing that the journey
May not be smooth
But there are no challenges
Too tough you can't overcome

Complications are parts and parcels of life

Treasured Friendship
Friendship is all about putting in effort.
As long as we do our part
Friendship will stay blissful.
Friendship will never go without arguments and disagreements.
Showing care and concern,
Isn’t only about throwing words all around,
But portraying it.
Some may be good with words
But it is the action that matters.

Cloud Nine
Whenever the thoughts of you
Lingers in my mind,
I grew restless.
The urge to see you grew stronger.
Even if it's only for a short while.
Whenever I picture you in my mind,
A smile is drawn across my face.
Whenever I imagine you in my mind,
I sensed butterflies in my stomach.
Whenever I think of you,
Exuberance strikes.
Whenever I dreamt of you,
It eased the soul of mine.
Whenever I saw you,
Satisfaction is what I felt.

Her Love Story
My addiction to you
Grew stronger each day.
A day without you,
Rips off a portion of my sanity.
I see the sparkle in your eyes.
I feel the warmth in your smile.
I sense the truth in your words.
I believe the sincerity in you.
What more could I possibly ask for.
The heart doesn’t lie.
Its mind boggling that it turns out this way.
Coz all I want is you.
Missing you can turn from torture to pleasure
Only if you're missing me too...

Opposite Attraction.
You’re the one I was hoping for.
The fantasies I made up.
That I thought I could just dream upon.
Knowing my chances are slim.
Yet, silently I craved for you.
Then out of the blue
You appeared to fulfil the wildest dream of mine.
You’re the cause of my sleepless night,
The reasons for all the anticipation.
The thoughts of you lingering in my mind
Sends butterflies in my stomach
A smile across my face
And the happiness to my soul.

Aida Alena AmALinA AmeErA CeLiNe ♥CiK iKa DidIe Fi0nA FiZa GeNgBeE GeRmAiNe HaIzA HiDaYaH hUmAiRaH KhALiLah KhALidAh KiNaH JuLyHa LiNg HuI L0uIsuRe MiC MiChELLe MiN HuI NaNa QiM QuRaIsHiA RaHmAh SaLLy ShAhIdAh ♥SiS ♥SiTicUz
AnDy AmEeR ApEz AsYraF ♥AzMicUz BeRnArD FiRdAuS HaFiZ KhAz MarK NiChoLas NuNmAn SaM SkY TeDdY

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